Grading, Homework and Instruction

Dear Parents,

This blog post explains how I approach instruction and grading so you can better understand how your child earn grades! Students in my class usually have less graded assignment and more opportunities to practice. I hope this blog will clarify why you don’t see daily grades in Sycamore for Reading and English/LA.


Instruction in literacy is often called gradual release. The steps are explained below.

  • Model (direct instruction)
  • Guided Practice (guided instruction)
  • Independent Practice (student working independently with teacher feedback)

An example of this is an upcoming assignment for writing a paragraph. I always start by sharing the learning target with students. 

I can write a paragraph with a topic sentence followed by supporting details. 

The next step is to show the students a model and explain the success criteria. We write and practice together until I feel they are ready to practice the skill on their own. All of this is not graded! This is simply practice. Students are still assesses and feedback is given, but a grade will not be given until they have had the opportunity to practice the skill.


Students work is graded once they have had the opportunity to independently practice the skill. They will always be told when an assignment is graded and what they need to do to earn an A. This is usually communicated to them as criteria for an A, not by a specific number or percentage. In addition, I only communicate criteria for an A. 

Working for anything less is unacceptable. 

Grades are entered into Sycamore as a percentage, so students are told how many points the criteria is worth. I put an example for the paragraph below.

Topic Sentence = 5 points

Big idea details = 5 points

“Tell me More” details = 5 points

Conclusion = 5 points

Conventions (capitals, proper punctuation, accurate spelling, complete sentences) = 5 points

Total = 25 points

Unlike traditional percentage points, with this model, students will always know why they earned a given grade, and what needs improved to earn an A.

Redo Opportunities

Students are allowed one redo for each major assignment or test. The teacher will coordinate remedial instruction/plan of action with the student/parent as needed prior to the redo. The remediated grade will be the average of the original and redo grade or 80%, whichever is higher.


Students will be asked to read for 20 minutes EVERY night. Homework in other subjects are assigned when needed, or if the student does not complete the classwork. Some student will be assigned an independent homework assignment based on their interest ion a topic and desire to learn.

I hope this helps! As always, please reach out with questions or concerns.

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